On Tue, 21 Mar 2000 Robert Benschop wrote:
>> Another Drawer gives easy access to Extras folders, with sorting
>>> included (as opposed to EZAccess), plus it lets you change volume and
>>> rotate
>> -----------
>> I only wish it would list the pkgs in alphabetical order and allow thaw,
>> launch, refreeze of frozen pkgs like i++. Oh well, can't be too fussy...
>Kenny don't know why this doesn't work on your machine, but EZ Access does
>list my packages in alphabetical order and since I use Freeze Utilities with
>the launch/refreeze options on it lets me launch, refreeze of frozen pkgs
>like i++ as well.
>Robert Benschop
I was refering to Another Drawer, not EZ Access. Launching a frozen pkg from AD will launch, quit and freeze instantly.:-\
Kenny Song
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