Hi to all:
Dose any one use Word Newt Dictionary. I am excited about the features of
WordNewt which Sound more complete than Lextionary.
However. ofter I was able at long last to obtain a copy (many thanks to a
specific member of this list -I would have mentioned his name but am not
sure if he would like to entertain additional help requests-), I ran into
serious problems. My Newton freez at any attempt to use Word Newt. And I do
mean FREEZ. The freeze is so deep that even pushing the reset button is of
no effect. The only way I could regain control or my Newton was to pull out
the power to force the Newton to restart.
I am suspecting an application conflict or some kind, but which ?
Any ideas. or does any one knew the address as the package author.
FYI, I use an upgraded MP 2100.
Dr. Khaled M. Tewfik,
Saudi Arabia
\\ /,
'( Newton Technology
\ "hand writen"
(Sent from an Apple Newton MP2100)
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