How are all my Newton friendly friends :)
I had originally sent the following message to my brother, but then I
thought you would have enjoyed it to, so here it is:
Salam bro,
If you are at all interested in PDAs like me, (can't blame you being not
interested, you have a boring Psion) visit the brand new site
Hot news, M$ is not about to release WinCE 3.0... no, no, no, by April 19
they will release PocketPC claimed to be much better than WinCE ever dreamed
off. New palm 3.5 on the way to battle PocketCE and Psion is breaking off a
new division
You know, one of the best things about Newton is that I got the last
reincarnation of it (MP 2100) and for 2 years now I did not have to worry
about new apple PDAs and having to upgrade, heck, even the competition is
still behind. You buy a Palm V some months ago and now it is old news with
the color palm, and that will be even more old news with Palm 3.5 which will
also have an all new interface and look. And if you buy Casio Piea then it
is old news in 3 weeks when PocketPC is out. I like the quite life of the
Newton and the fact that at 162Mhz and 2 PC slots it is still unmatched by
any other (and do not forget that it reads and write too :)
Oh, and did I tell you that IBM made via voice for the PALM, uh 8-O,
incredible, and it will also give it Text to Speech like the Newton, wow...
Now sing: can WinCE do this... Nop, Can Psion do this Nop, can Newton do
this, yes, since 3 years ago.
Khaled Tewfik,
Saudi Arabia
>From the desktop of a good ol' Macintosh PB 1.4k
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