-->"charlie" == charlie allom <charlie@rubberduck.com> writes:
charlie> how appealing would a website be that lists user's wishes
charlie> for applications they would like developed, or enhancements
charlie> for existing packages be?
charlie> is there something like this already?
i'd kinda suggest sourceXchange.org -- although it would mean that
the newton stuff would get lost in the crowd, and i'm not sure how
well they'd cope with proposals where the sponsor is a mailing-list.
but they do claim to handle groups as sponsors. might be worth a
i think it's a good idea. and maybe it's better to have a
newton-specific one.
it'd be nice to support registrations of interest in a proposal, and
have the facility to take pre-registration charges on a credit card
(say, $10?) to convince our hardworking developers to put their time
into it ...
it could also provide an alternative to Kagi once the software is
written. i understand they're not especially responsive for
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