On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 8:33 PM, sid adel <mailto:montaque@mindspring.com>
> Just bought a Newton 120 running uder OS2.0, but am unable to make a
> connection. I have tested the cable and installed Newton Connection
2.0 and
> PDA Downloader 1.5 . Would very much appreciate "HELP".
The problem is that you have Newton Connection Kit (NCK), which does not
work with Newtons running OS 2.0 or later. You need Newton Backup Utility
(NBU) for backups and installing, or Newton Connection Utilities (NCU) for
backup, installing, importing, exporting, synch, keyboard. NBU is free,
possibly on Apple's site, and NCU, well, that's another matter... :-)
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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