I agree that ACT! is almost unuseable on 120/130s.
Acceptable performance on the MP2x00.. but I've still never really had
it synching very happily with it's desktop parent software.... the field
mapping is stuffed in my experience. I think new entries into ACT! sync
OK but your converted names entries throw it. On the other hand I never
really spent much time trying to tweak it.
I never use it as my Newt contact interface (preferring Address Access)
but it sits in the back of my internal store taking up space just so I
can do an unsuccessful sync... hey why I have I left it there so long?
Tim Palmer
ABC Jerusalem
Keith Isley wrote:
> ACT for Newton is abandonware. I've seen copies floating around on
> various Newton archives, but your best bet (if you want to stay legal)
> is to watch eBay. A copy comes up every so often, and usually goes for
> about $30-$40. KAI P.S. It's VERY slow on a MessagePad 1XX. I ran it
> on my MP130 for a while and it frustrated me to death. It slows
> everything else down, too. Also - it has to be on the internal store,
> which again is a major pain on a MP 1xx, especially if you're doing
> anything Internet.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: kevin webb
> To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 9:35 AM
> Subject: NTLK Act For Newton
> Hello Talkers, I am looking for Act for Newton for
> download or purchase. I have been told repeatedly that it
> is available for download but the only thing I can find from
> Symantec is the application update. This will only work is
> you have a version previously installed, I tried it
> twice. Does anyone have a copy for download or sale if it is
> not public domain. Thanks, Kevin
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