>I've taken apart my Newton and noticed that there is a
>compression clamped flex cable <snip>
>If so, you need to go
inside your Newt and torque the screws down...be
careful though, this is plastic that you are torquing
into and if you strip the thread, then you're really
SOL!!!!! <snip>
If this doesn't fix it, it might help to remove the main
board (not for the faint at heart) and clean the contacts
on the main board with a pencil eraser (you know, one of
these rubber things). This is something that has helped
my, by the way, to revive many supposedly dead PC hardware
boards. Especially those that don't have gold-plated contacts.
However, don't even think of applying this method to the
cable, too. Your best bet is to leave these alone and not to
touch them with your bare fingers. I killed two powerbook
keyboards by simply removing the flex cable from the connector.
And yes, I know that most connectors need to be unlocked before
the cable can be removed...
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