Re: NTLK Palm Emulator (was Modplayer Question)

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Sat Mar 25 2000 - 05:55:38 EST

>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 19:43:41 GMT
>From: "Clinton Slaughter" <>
>.... 4) Palm Emulator -- as a physician, if the newton is to remain
>a viable reference tool, we need updates to our newtbooks. Unfortunately
>most updated medical references have been abandoned. This would be our
>biggest use for a palm emulator, otherwise, those interested could band
>together and split the work of updating a navigatable drug reference or any
>other medical reference. Any takers?

until a full Palm Emulator arrives (someone here had volunteered earlier,
but not sure if he's actually going to do it), in the meanwhile, if the
medical reference books are in Pilot DOC format (and not custom apps or
using proprietary readers like Peanut's), you can convert/view them
directly using Newt's Cape's PilotDOC plugin:


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