>I got a game called Soroban from a japanese page.
>It looks interesting, but i don't know the rules. :-(
>han anyone explain it to me or tell me where to get an explanation?
Are you sure it's a game? Soroban is Japanese for abaccus.
-- Myq Larson / Stable Isotope Analysis \ myq@cc.usu.edu .'.'.'.'.' \ Utah State University / 435.713.4245 (h) Knowledge / 5305 Old Main Hill \ 435.797.0060 (w) Liberates \ Logan UT 84322-5305 / 435.797.1575 (f) Myq's waste of bandwidth --> http://www.crosswinds.net/~myq ****************************************** This NewtonTalk Message brought to you by:EVOTE.COM, the ESPN of Politics on the Internet. Visit EVOTE.COM for all the latest news on Campaign 2000!
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