>>I recently purchased a MP2K and everything seemed to be working fine.
>>only power source was from the AA battery cage.
>I have the same problem with my MP2K. I followed Robert's advice before
>after consulting with other Newton users here, but Kenny Song tracked down
>the problem with my MP: the fact that it's been using the AA cage.
>Evidently, over time if the cage is inserted with too much force it
>pressed down the little "fingers" that make contact with the rechargeable
>battery contacts. So the Newton will work and all when you put the new
>rechargeable battery in it, and will even appear to charge. Mine will
>sometimes even turn back on after I've left it off for a while. But
>eventually it exhibits the same symptoms you're describing.
If it's just a question of the power contacts not pressing the power pack hard
enough to make contact, you should be able to open the Newton up and gently
bend them back into position.
This shouldn't be a traumatic repair, if you make certain not to bend the
metal fingers more than they can stand, and don't put stress on the solder
joint to the board while you do it.
Accessing the battery area involves taking off the back and removing the
screws which hold the back half of the battery compartment down. No biggie.
CAVEATS: Use a static-free workmat and a grounding wriststrap, to avoid static
damage to your Newton. Don't do this if you don't feel comfortable opening
your Newton.
Don't blame me if you torque the contact right off the board or something
equally non-optimal.
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