I like what you were doing with your wife. My wife had a 130. We tried
something like this but unfortunately she has poor vision and it was just
too hard for her to read the small screen. The screen on the 2x00 is bigger
but screen items are smaller. If only Apple had built a slate sized
Newtons. But then that's the form factor I really want too.
-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Loker [mailto:lokerd@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 9:09 AM
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Subject: Re: NTLK Implant 2000, was The Newton's successor?
>The speed gain is noticeable especially everytime I go back to using a
MP2100, which now seems so sluggish. Let me know what else bother you and
maybe I can help shed some light.
Well, I am sold. I just need to figure out when I can send in my baby!! I am
thinking about getting my wife a 2k again (we sold her last one to eat one
month! :) She doesn't really want one anymore, but now that I know how to
send things to the InBox all day long for her and then to beam her all at
once, I am ready to try to get our system back up running again...especially
since she has been missing several thing that I needed to be done on time.
Thanks for the feed back you all.
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