Hi Peter,
Well I, for one, enjoy your viewpoint on emerging technologies and their
comparisons to the Newton. Post away, my friend! I'm looking forward to
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Dr. Peter Rand" <h9752220@botanix.wu-wien.ac.at>
To: "NewtonTalk (sub/unscr) List Newton" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Subject: NTLK RE: The Newton's successor?
Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 09:07 +0200
Since my Newton's still going strong, I'm not looking for a successor, but
I'm always interested in machines which offer new/additional capabilities.
For example, since the Newton does not fit in my jacket pocket, I got a
Psion Revo in order to always have contacts and agenda info with me. The
Revo also has very high-quality spreadsheet, word-processing and database
programs which are builtin, and fantastic desktop sync capabilities, so I'm
very happy with the Newton-Revo combination.
The new Rapier generation of PocketPCs offer color web-browsing, MP3
capabilities, an audio book reader and a couple of other features that
neither Newton nor Revo offer. Am I interested - yes! I was underwhelmed by
the WinCE 2.1 device I tested (a Casio E-105), but Rapier is supposed to be
a major improvement. If all goes well, I should be getting one of the new
Compaq PocketPCs running Rapier to test in the next month or two. If there's
any interest, I'd be glad to post my impressions of the unit to this list
(and apologize in advance for the mental anguish this may cause those who
hate seeing non-Newton posts).
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