I got my cable last week and it works perfectly.
I use the standard hayes modem script wiht no dial tone waiting. Although slow, both fax in, fax out and internet connectivity are working. The total
length of my cable is about the same as yours.
Benjamin Dauhrer wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally got around to get the cabels to connect my Newton to the S25
> cellphone but I ran into a problem... I bought the S25 Datacables and a
> normal Mac-Modem Adapter cable. Both cabels work perfect I tested both. The
> S25 on my PC and the Mac-Modem cable on my Modem. Unfortunatly the cables
> dont seem to work in combination. When I try to comunicate with my S25 I get
> an 18003 Error which say something about "Framing or parity overrun". I
> guess both cables might be to long in combination?!? The S25 cable ist about
> 1m and the mac-modem cable is about 1,5m. Or maybe there is something I
> should change in the serial preferences... what modem script should I use?
> I'd be gratefull for every kind of help...
> Benjamin
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