Re: NTLK touchpads?

From: Ching Yi Tsai (
Date: Thu Apr 06 2000 - 06:53:06 EDT

> From: doppler <>

> if this is true, can anyone confirm/decline the rumour that the next
> powerbook from apple theat will come with a osX will have a "mini-newton"
> instead of a touchpad? ive read this on some newsgroup, but i cant remember
> where. the touchpad is supposed to give the user ability to write text right
> into the computer as if he was using a newton, or use the touchpad as a
> wacom board (!).

You are talking about the next generation touchpad for the Powerbook.
It will be have area where you can program it to do certain task, and
you can also use stylus to write or draw. You can probably find more
information from archive.

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