Re: NTLK Puff of Smoke and Paper Crumple?

From: charlie allom (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 11:14:00 EDT

on 8/4/2000 12:46 AM, Witte at wrote:

>> He's captivated by the mark-out "puff of smoke" and the delete "paper
>> crumple" of our beloved machines.
>> Anyone have an idea of how I could capture these OS animations for
> The 'puff of smoke' animation can be created using code from the UpInSmoke
> sample somewhere on Apple's web site. As for
> capturing the animations, the only thing I can think of would be the Newton
> VGA card. The 'smoke' pictures could be
> downloaded from the Newton and combined using PowerPoint or something, but it
> would probably be more trouble than it's
> worth. Is the presentation going to be *using* a Newton?

that's too easy. as long as you have an application that captures
screenshots of the newton, then you can get the images from the ROM thru a
package called BitSound...

then make a GIF on the desktop or whatever takes your fancy..

- charlie.

Melbourne, Australia - PGP available

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