This is great Bradley. Yes, I would be very interested. Will look for it
on your web site.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bradley Smith []
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 8:23 AM
To: ''
Subject: NTLK new NCU version!
Well, kind of :-)
Dunno if anyone's interested but I've, erm, modified the PC and Mac versions
of NCU.
The PC version has the 38400 baud rate replaced with the 57600 version (just
saves doing the registry hack) and the Mac version now connects at 57600
baud instead of 38400 ( I don't think you can choose the baud rate in the
Mac version?). I've tried the Mac version out on Basilisk (Mac emulator) and
it works a treat and the PC version I use all the time anyway. Anyone find
this useful? Suggestions as to how to make this available? I don't want to
get myself in trouble here but I think it might make things easier for
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