on 4/8/00 22:52 PM, Jason Sommers <voice@ptd.net> wrote:
> Is there any place I can get a PIM that will sync with my Newton. I just
> would like more for a PIM then what you can do with Newton Connection Kit.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
You can download the Palm desktop PIM. Using your Newton with that will add
a few steps. Export from Newton in Claris Organizer format, open your
exported file in the Palm PIM, make any changes, export from Palm to CO,
import into your Newton. It's not exactly a sync, but it *will* work.
Or, if you can find a copy of CO, you can skip the export/import part and
synchronize (I think, as I don't use a desktop calendar, my days aren't that
complicated). I use the Palm (which happens to be based largely on Claris
Organizer) for a desktop version of my names and phone numbers.
--Andy Pasulka cleverly disguised as a responsible adult anp@imaxx.net
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