I am afraid the same thing happened to me with a 16 Meg card. I get the
exact same message about not being able to format a write protected card.
Fortunately, I had recently pared the important stuff on it down to 8 megs,
and backed it up to my computer, so I was able to restore the backup to my
old 8 meg card.
However, nothing I have done has saved the card. It was a gift, so I am
going to try to find out where it was purchased to send back to the maker
(It's a generic card).
Sorry I couldn't give you better info.
on 4/9/00 1:00 AM, Khaled M. Z. Tewfik at khaledt@mac.com wrote:
> -------------------
> First you could still try to access your card if you restart with all
> extensions off (hold your pen about 1/2 inch from the housing pressed on
> your screen while stating up or you can insert the card with you prefs slip
> open.
> -------------------
> Thanks for the advise, but I am afraid the problem persists.
> I inserted the card with the pref. open, but still I got the same message that
> the card need to be formated but I have to unlock it first, well. the card is
> unlocked.
> I tried to insert the card without activatinq the packages. But I never got
> that to work. I pressed the pen 1/2 inch form the edge of the Screen about the
> middle. But the Newton always gave the same message. Actually I was never able
> to successfully have a no package boot even for the internal Store when I
> tried. I just do not prow where to press on the screen.
> I also inserted the card into a power book. The card appeared on the desk top
> but the erase option was dimed and clicking the card was basically at no
> effect.
> Can you be more persis on where on the screen should I press to avoid
> activating packages.
> Thanks.
> Dr. Khaled M. Tewfik,
> Saudi Arabia
> \\ /,
> '( Newton Technology
> \ "it reads & writes"
> =
> (Sent from an Apple Newton MP2100)
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