Re: NTLK - I need space!

From: Mike King (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 02:06:49 EDT


I have a Newton memory card or three that you can have. Send me a souvenir from your country, and pay for the shipping, and it's yours.

I think it's an 8MB card, came out of a Newton, so I know it will work for you.



At 04:40 PM 4/9/2000 -0300, you wrote:
>Hello again,
>I use a MP130 and need more space for programs.
>I don't use any card and my memory is full!
>Can you imagine a Newton working with only 32kb of free space?
>That's my Newton. (I have NIE, SimpleMail, Games, CheckList, etc..)
>My problem is: In Brazil, I can't find a person to help me with my newton.
>Everywhere I go (including Apple Store), people say: "Newt... what? I don't
>know it..."
>So, I'm afraid to buy a Memory Card and it doesn't work...
>I'm looking for a list with all compatible Cards for MP130 so I can go to
>the store and say: "Give me this one"
>Oi! Você quer um iG-mail gratuito?
>Então clique aqui:
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