RE: NTLK how to remove mp2k system update?

From: Filmer, Paul E (
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 15:05:45 EDT

IN increasing order of 'severity' here are the reset procedures, - and the
names Apple used for them - Howard, I noticed after I sent my last post that
you used the term "cold reset" which is a mix between the official terms
"hard reset" and "cold boot" - it sounds like you were referring to the hard
reset, and in that case, I agree, no System Updates are lost during a hard
reset. I have a modified version of TIL 17908 posted on my NPDS server (I
tried to make it more easy to use depending on your model number).

Soft Reset
Long Reset
Power Reset
Hard Reset
Cold Boot

Paul Filmer
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