Re: NTLK Re: 3Com 3C589

From: David Arnold (
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 19:57:11 EDT

-->"Stainless" == Stainless Steel Rat <> writes:

  Stainless> You could have a later rev card with a different ID than
  Stainless> the driver recognizes. The only thing to do at that
  Stainless> point is contact the driver author.

got a linux laptop handy? my 3Com 589d reports

tea:~# cardctl ident 0
  product info: "3Com Corporation", "3C589D", "TP/BNC LAN Card
  Ver. 2a", "000002"
  manfid: 0x0101, 0x0589
  function: 6 (network)

if your card has different numbers, that might confirm a different
3Com shim being required ...

if you are desperate (i would be after this long ;-) and trusting, i'd
be happy for you to mail me your card and i'll try it in my ump2k. at
least that would settle whether it was your newt or your card ...

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