Hello again to everyone,
You may or may not remember me emailing the list the other week about
ways of getting my MP2000 reconnected (Thank you Robert Bnschop for
emailing me the software I was after - unfortunately still couldn't get
it install, but managed to get a desktop to use for a while the other day).
And now I have one word of Warning (and this is for you own sanity) - Do
Not even think about using an eMate with a 14.4 modem for serious
interent use - trust me :-)
Also can anyone let me know where there is a sizable selection of Newton
pacages avilable for download in .pkg format? Ideally I could do with
NewtFTP, chat buddy perhaps, anything really to get my Newt back up to
spec after it's recent hard-reset. Also has anyone ever tried to make a
zip-file reader for the Newt? Could be quiet handy when the Newt is the
only machine you've got as most sites on have zip (or sit) files for
Gotta dash, still not got around t registering PT100.
Yours SIncerely,Ryan
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- A. Einstein
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