Thanks again for your thoughtful and thorough reply:
> Can you be a little more specific.
> Are you getting an error while syncing? or is it not connecting ?
It IS connecting and begins to sync before the error message appears.
Sometimes it just disconnects without displaying an error message. I've been
experimenting with transferring my 3.8 data after importing it into 3
versions of Now Contact -- 3.8, 3.65, and 3.5
> How are you connecting to your computer ?
Serial port in back of Powerbookd G3 (Wall Street)
> Is the connection preference set in Now Sync ?
Yes... to Serial Port, Macintosh
> What OS are you running on the desktop ?
OS 8.6
> This is how I do it (Works every time)
I am printing out your instructions and will follow them. I assume I can
connect via appletalk -- which I've previously disabled -- using that same
serial cable. I'll let you know what happens.
> Important note : There is a HUGE delay on the first sync (you read the read
> me right) I mean huge, like go get a coffee 190 records approx 15 minutes.
Sheesh. I have 2100 records. I sure wish my speedy NCU still worked.
> Make certain that you have lots of heap space free (GCstat or same installed
> ?) No heap = crash
Here I don't follow. I'm guessing GCstat is a utility that clears the heap.
Where do I find that and is it self-explanatory?
Thanks again,
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