>Hello again to everyone,
>You may or may not remember me emailing the list the other week about
>ways of getting my MP2000 reconnected (Thank you Robert Bnschop for
>emailing me the software I was after - unfortunately still couldn't get
>it install, but managed to get a desktop to use for a while the other day).
>And now I have one word of Warning (and this is for you own sanity) - Do
>Not even think about using an eMate with a 14.4 modem for serious
>interent use - trust me :-)
Well first off, I think it is really cool that you are trying the world without
a desktop. Personally, I think the Newton can do it, and I am thinking more
and more about going that way myself. I plan to keep my Newton around, if
nothing else, to be a storage device for my Newton. Though I would like my
Atari ST to be that machine.
Then again, with internet access you could go about saving your packages
on a website.
>Also can anyone let me know where there is a sizable selection of Newton
>pacages avilable for download in .pkg format?
Check out:
It's a site that allows you to unzip a file by sending it through their
website. Cool eh? Actually found this one on the list of Newtonlinks at:
> Ideally I could do with
>NewtFTP, chat buddy perhaps, anything really to get my Newt back up to
>spec after it's recent hard-reset. Also has anyone ever tried to make a
>zip-file reader for the Newt? Could be quiet handy when the Newt is the
>only machine you've got as most sites on have zip (or sit) files fordownload.
Well, you've seen the ZIP solution above. SIT format is still a problem from
the Newton side of things, and unfortunately the SIT format is VERY common
amoungst Newton archieves.
>Gotta dash, still not got around t registering PT100.Yours SIncerely,Ryan
Let me know how it is. I do a lot of BBS'ing, and I am looking for a term
program that handles Graphical ANSI, or at least ANSI.
Take care,
Doctor Clu
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