NTLK NuShield Alternatives

From: gavin @ hotmail (@)
Date: Tue Apr 18 2000 - 03:00:28 EDT

I have to say that I'm very glad that this topic has cropped up.
Up till now, I thought I was the only one who was having problems with
I used to have an older 2000 and was more than happy to pay for them, not
often we get "New" accessories these days, especially since they're supposed
to "protect" my Newton.
But boy was I disappointed!!!
My screen became dark! Very dark. So dark that only in rare occasions during
the day could I not use backlight. Recognition also degraded...and the angle
of view was drastically reduced.
I thought my screen contrast was fading but every time I changed the
WriteRights, I was astonished to find how beautiful the "naked" screen of
the Newton really was.
Cut to today...I've just got an almost brand new 2100 and guess what...the
other day I just ripped out my WriteRight. Here was a brand new Newton,
super screen resolution...and I was using backlight during the day in my
hall, by the window, so I wouldn't scratch it? Sure everyone has their own
opinion, but to me this is just ridiculous. To we want WriteRights for our
TVs, new cars, new watches? My only point, is that users considering buying
or using a screen protector for the first time...should know about or expect
a LARGE form of degradation of Screen quality...whether the trade off to not
having scratches is worth it or not is up each individual.

Me... I'll just be more careful, use a good cleaning cloth regularly and
have just a LITTLE more faith in those fantastic stylus that the Newton
group worked so hard to design...

Gavin Hall

P.S. I have heard that NuShields were a bit more forgiving...so if anyone
wants to trade one piece for a piece of WriteRight....

Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 22:58:25 -0400
From: Blake Patterson <blake@blakespot.com>
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com, ratinox@peorth.gweep.net
Subject: Re: NTLK Re: NUSheild alternatives??
Message-ID: <38FBCF51.90843ED4@blakespot.com>

   So you like WriteRights better. I've been a big WriteRight fan for
years with all manners of PDA's but it seems that they've gone thru
several "texturizing" generations where the texture to the protector
really does obscure the screen not only though "fogging" but creating
moire patterns, etc. So I thought to got to NuShield (Barrier). A
friend tells me they really distort the screen way less. But -- the
linting you mention, is this a large problem?? I cannot find anything
other than the NuShield for eMate protection -- so I will go with that,
but can you simply expand on your reasoning for preferring WriteRights
over NuShield??


   Whatever the result -- I feel that screen protection is a must. (They
aren't going to make any more Newtons for us, I fear...)

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