>Any suggestions for a programme to monitor the time that a set
>Of batteries lasts In my uMP2K? I have tried Both Sleep Aid and
>BatMon, but neither seem to work or at least the timing function does not.
I'm currently writing an app that does exactly that. Due to the fact that
a two year old child and a one hundred year old house require more time than
ever expected (let alone the time spent on the kind of work that results
in money), it is still in final beta state, but it might do what you want.
This program will, however, *not* give you the time your batts last while
you really *use* the Newton. This in my unimportant opinion doesn't make
sense as the power consumption of a MessagePad strongly depends on what
you do and how often you do it. Reproducible results can only be achieved
if you make sure the Newton maintains the same power consumption during the
whole test cycle.
Basically what you'd do is start the Newton with a fresh set of batteries
or fully recharged rechargeables and just let it sit until it turns itself
off. When you switch it on the next time, it will tell you the time from
when you started until it switched off.
If that might help you, let me know, I'll be happy to send it to you. It is
still in late beta state and has been tested by a couple of beta testers
whose Newtons didn't blow up in smoke, but not quite ripe for a 1.0 version
(more like
If you want it, mail me off list at Frank_Gruendel@t-online.de
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