Re: NTLK Dongle Anxiety

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Apr 22 2000 - 03:45:30 EDT

On 4/21/2000 1:36 PM, Joshua Puetz [] wrote:

>I've just bought a used UMP2K, and while I wait for it to arrive I'm passing
>the time by reading up on the Newton. From everything I've read, it's not a
>question of IF the InterConnect port on a 2x00 will fail, but WHEN.
>Is there anything that can be done to lengthen the life of the Interconnect
>port (apart from never using it?). Something I read suggested sanding down
>the bumps on the connector of the dongle, has anybody tried this?

You may be worrying excessively - I've got two 2x00's (a upgraded 2000
and a real 2100) and haven't ever had a problem with the Interconnect
port. Had them since they came out.

One way to avoid using the Interconnect port, though, is to use Ethernet
instead of LocalTalk or serial to connect to your Mac for backups and
package download and such (sorry, can't do it if you have a Windows PC.)
If you use the Newton keyboard, you're still going to have to use it
(unless you can get away with using the NCU feature to let you use the
your computers keyboard to type into your Newton....that might at least
help you cut down some.)

I rarely if every use the Interconnect port anymore, since I've gone
Ethernet, except on the one or two packages that don't support AppleTalk

 - Bill

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