My serial port failed about 8 months ago on my UMP2k. (Everthing else works
fine, but I miss being able to use the keyboard.) Is this failure common
for other users? How easy would it be to fix? Is anyone doing repairs of
this nature or is it possible to do it myself?
Nathanael Gray
__________________ Quoted Text _________________
> I've just bought a used UMP2K, and while I wait for it to arrive I'm passing
> the time by reading up on the Newton. From everything I've read, it's not a
> question of IF the InterConnect port on a 2x00 will fail, but WHEN.
> Is there anything that can be done to lengthen the life of the Interconnect
> port (apart from never using it?). Something I read suggested sanding down
> the bumps on the connector of the dongle, has anybody tried this?
> -Josh
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