I haven't backed up my Newton data in quite a while and I'm having some
problems. I want to create copies of my Memos and Newton Works documents
which I can then access on my Powerbook G3 Wall Street.
However, when I try to back up the Newton Works documents I get the
following error message:
"Could not complete operation because the Claris XTND system
is not installed. Try re-installing XTND."
Turns out a recent housecleaning of my hard drive did remove a Claris
Folder containing Claris XTND from my System folder. But I replaced it in
the System folder and restarted and am still getting that error message?
Is there more involved in re-installing this XTND thingie? Could my copy be
corrupted? If so where do I get a good copy?
Also, would appreciate advice on the best way to import the text from
Newton's Notes so they can be read in Microsoft Word without garbage
Many thanks,
Arthur Greenwald
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