Re: NTLK pocket quicken

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Sep 09 2000 - 00:56:18 CDT

Charles -

If you can't get it to work, you might want to try converting to
Catamount's PocketMoney ( It has utilities to read
PocketQuicken's data and convert it to it's own format, and to upload
data to the Mac using AppleTalk, last I checked. It's also more
powerful (although the user interface is not as nice.)

 - Bill

On 9/9/00 12:37 AM, charles mangin [] wrote:

>i've been unable for about a month now to get my pocket quicken to
>upload transactions onto my desktop mac (an 8100) via serial - it
>looks like it's going to, and goes through the motions, except that,
>once it's done, the pocket quicken connect application bombs with a
>-2 error. foo.
> and, try as i might, i can't even find a way to get it to upload via
>appletalk/ethernet (which would hopefully be faster and a little more
>reliable) to see if it might make a difference at all.
>i'm not too concerned about the data, as i have good backups, but i'd
>like to know if anyone can help me out with getting pocket quicken to
>play nice and use appletalk like everything else on my newton..
>curious mostly.

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