From: Victor Rehorst <>
Subject: Re:[NTLK] RIM Wireless Modem for Sale Newton Compatible
>I know you've been through tons of research with this, Mark, but I still
>believe it can be done, for two reasons.
I'm persistent, if nothing else ;-)
>card uses the 'AT command set', that is, the same command set as all
>modems; therefore it should be possible to talk directly to the card to
>set it up and connect to the network (one would have to find out what the
>Mobitex-specific commands were, of course)
Right, but wouldn't this mean you'd be bypassing NIE, so that only
WyndMail would work?
No broswing, FTP, NewsGroups, etc??
Also, the card bulges out (due to the included 9V battery) WAY more than
the Novatel Merlin.
I know the included battery is an advantage, but I've gone over a year
w/o the known
potential card memory corruption due to the Merlin's current drain.
--Mark Rollins
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