Re: [NTLK] eMate purchase

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 10:06:14 EDT

Dear All,

  I wanted to thank everyone for their helping with my many questions
regarding the purchase of an eMate 300, and its possible combination with my
uMP for school, work, and personal uses.

  I was able to secure a nice eMate with a DRAM upgrade, which came in
yesterday (as, I am sure you can tell, by some of postes I have left on the
user group as I have a bit of a learning curve with the unit, mainly due to
my being accustomed to a uMP 2000). So far I am quite impressed with the
eMate, much more so than I thought I would be (especially in how well
designed the form factor was by the Apple engineers). In fact my wife was
even so impressed that she has now decided to buy one for herself!

  Thank you all. Everyone has been absolute wonderful!



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