Re: [NTLK] Newton Works import/export

From: Samuel Jacobson (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 21:08:07 EDT

Hello All,

  Well, after a lot of trial and error I finally got the Import to Newton
Works on the NCU to function. It ended up requiring that I:

1). Turn off Norton Autoprotect (I believe it was. Yet it may have only been
        coincidence that the transfer to the eMate finally worked while this
was off)
2). Make sure the folder that contained the Word file I wanted transferred
        on my PC's C:\ drive (why this is necessary is beyond me)
3). Save the file I wanted transferred as a *.txt file (I was unable to get
any *.rtf
        files to transfer)
4). Import to Newton Works via NCU

  While I have not tried to export the document back to my PC I did see that
it was listed by NCU's Newton Works export as one of the files that could be
sent to my PC, thus all should be aright. Whether or not the above protocol
works for anyone else, or for myself in the future, is unknown by me.

  Yet as difficult as all this has been I must admit that my confidence is a
bit low, thus I am waiting to see what happens next.

  It is nice to have had to problem solve the solution although I do feel a
bit lucky as I did try sending the document as a *.txt file before in
various modes, configurations, and locations, all in vain, before it finally
worked (and it worked several times after I finally got it to go).

  I just thought you all might be interested.

  I hope you all are well.


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