Re: [NTLK] 20 Mb linear card

From: Michelle Sagara West (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 19:09:24 EDT

>Hmmmm...seems overpriced when compared to the one I just won yesterday for
>$35... See here:
>Same card!

It's a dutch auction. there's an opening bid and you bid -lower- than
that. The highest bid at the end (or in this case the highest successful
bid) will win. So someone could in theory bid 10.00 for the card and if
there are a lot of 'em, that's the price that everyone will get the card
at. So I think it's a little bit too early to judge whether or not it's
overpriced, since the auction isn't over yet ...

I'm not affiliated with the auction or with ebay, fwiw.

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