One more thing: I sent Apple (via their website) an eMail similar to my
last response here on NTLK. The response I got from them (Apple) earlier
included a "Reply To:" field, but when I sent them my second
complaint/query I only got this back:
>Subject: automatic reply
>Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 01:23:14 -0500
>This email has been addressed to a send-only account. To provide
>input on the Apple Support website [],
>please use the following URL:
>Thank you,
>Apple Computer, Inc.
>Service & Support
Custumer support? HA!
I think that people on this list who are dismayed by "Knowledge Base"
should do the same and complain. If Apple doesn't get the feedback, they
believe they're doing everything just right.
I don't think so.
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