Re: [NTLK] Last Ricochet message

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 01:44:20 EDT

Wow, now that REALLY IS sad! I was involved with
Ricochet back in 1995/96/97 and used their service
non-stop with all walks of computing devices! The
company I worked for at the time was very instrumental
in helping Ricochet develop their product for the Mac!
Seems no one at Ricochet at the time had any Macintosh
computers...and well, since I ran a Mac network, and I
was "into" wireless communications, I was kinda like
an "alpha" tester for them...
I was really dismayed in seeing them go away! I was
anxiously waiting for them to introduce 128k in my
area (Washington DC and suburbs) so I can finally have
an alternative to my crappy DSL service! (it's only
IDSL, so it's not any faster than the 128k Ricochet
My hope really went up when not long ago, the company
I NOW work for announced that they purchased like 45%
of Metricom! (yes, I hate to admit it, I work for
WorldCom...but actually, I work for UUNET...which
doesn't really exist but for a few hard-core
But alas, it was not to disappointing!
web/gadget guru
--- Way <> wrote:
> Just a sad note that this will be my last posting
> using the great
> Ricochet 128k PC card modem and service. As most of
> you know Metricom will be
> closing down tomorrow...
> On the bright side, I still have my Newton and will
> still be a happy
> subscriber to this list via Earthlink.
> Way Wong
> Byte-Size Software

note: This does not constitute a sig file...

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