Re: [NTLK] misbahaving 2100

Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 10:40:30 EDT

> Sounds like you've tried just about everything, fresh alkalines etc.
> Did the brainwipe take? Or can you get it far enough to determine that?
> If the brainwipe didn't take there may be something loaded internally
> that's causing problems.
> Try an extensions off reset, if you haven't done so already.

Tried that this morning. I was actually psyched that it seemed to fix it.
I created a few Notes, added a few Names, put in a few Events. No
problems at all. A friend asked to try it out, so I set it to Guest mode,
and let him at it. Not a minute into his scribbling, and he says, "Uh, it
did it again." ARGH!

Hopefully, the AC Adapter will arrive today, and I can try it with that
in place.

Frustrated, but mostly happy still.


me = { 'name' : 'Zachery Bir', 'email' : '',
       'voice' : '(804) 353-3742', 'url' : '' }

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