Re: [NTLK] Quoting good or bad?

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 08:57:26 EDT

on or about 8/9/01 6:03 AM, the following may or may not have been typed by
Robert Benschop at

> Since I'm very careful to both quote very little but also to avoid posts
> that make little or no sense at all I sometimes post about 14 quoted lines
> (sometimes even from different posts, like above) with one or two lines
> containing the answer, which would be impossible under a percentage rule...

I agree. That's why I think the percentage rule should only apply to
messages greater than XX lines. After all, I *think* the primary objective
is to prevent the accidental quoting of an entire digest. Secondary
objective is to encourage folks to only quote pertinent parts of a long
thread, rather than quotes of quotes of quotes of... (perhaps an additional
'bounce' criteria should be the embedding level of quoted material? No more
than say, 4 levels deep of quoting?? Can the list s/w do that??)

- Eric.

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