Re: [NTLK] HP Infrared Inkjet Printers

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Aug 10 2001 - 11:20:34 EDT

On Friday, August 10, 2001, at 09:53 AM, Greg Sahli wrote:

> Sorry if I wasn't specific enough. Are there drivers packages other than
> hp_irda.pkg that I need in order to print to these printers? (no others
> found on unna)
> Someone mentioned a driver package specifically to speed up printing,
> for
> example.

I think I've read from someone here, this week, that they were using a
package that was speeding up printing through IrDA, although I don't
remember the specifics. Maybe a look in this week's archive on
NewtonTalk would give the answer. There is also always the PrintPack
package, but that is essentially additional printer drivers.


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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