on or about 8/10/01 1:41 PM, the following may or may not have been typed by
doppler at doppler_at_mac.com:
> normally ppl say apple has approx 20% share of the computers _in use_
> "in use" does not equal sales.
That's the problem with quoting current sales as "market share". It is
computers *IN USE* that the software developers should be caring about.
Everyone in the tech press says things like "why would anyone write software
for a platform that's only got 5% of the market?", except it's got roughly
1/5 of the market (higher in science and education).
Anyway, I'd guess this discussion had gotten sufficiently far off target,
especially as this is a Newton group, with a fair fraction of the members
using Windows on the desktop...
- Eric.
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