Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 11:56:19 -0400
From: "Laurent Daudelin" <>
> > Not quite. Flash blocks wear on write, not on read. When a write error
> > occours, the control circuitry in the flash media itself will
> > automagically switch to a different block, and mark the bad block as being
> > bad. The OS never sees the error, and you never lose any data.
And pigs fly.
>I kinda of remember him mentioning that the built-in
>drivers in the OS wouldn't be able to deal with those bad blocks,
>the only way to salvage the card would be to try to format it on a
>Windows laptop with some specific utility program I don't remember.
But if a block is dead, the card can't be used any more in the
Newton. There are utilities around to mark blocks dead on windoze,
but not on NewtonOS (in fact, the OS cannot handle it).
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