Yes. I am using Enroute 1.4.3b1. As for not being able to log into the
network, I use DHCP for IP resolution, but you receive an IP Address
fine. So that is not the problem. When adding a domain, make sure you
are logging into the Master domain that contains all the user accounts
and not a trusted domain.
I also created two OWNER profiles (not worksite profiles) under Owner
Info. One for home use the other for work use. In my work profile, for
email, I put my network login ID and password (this is because we use NT
security for our Exchange server so my login ID is also my network mail
The DNS error may be that you are not using DHCP or WINS server. All the
DNS info should be provided by either WINS or DHCP (I forget which one).
If this is the case, I don't know how you are receiving an IP address
unless you are using a static IP?
Hope this helps. Keep me posted.
>Which version of Enroute are you using. I have a company network like
yours, and would like >to be able to pull my mail on my Newton.
>Also, I haven't yet been successful connecting to our intranet using
Ethernet. I pull an IP >address OK, but then fail 'waiting for host'.
I receive an error message that says "Your DNS >server encountered some
kind of internal error, Contact the server=B9s administrator or try
>again later."
>I'm pretty sure that I entered the domain name correctly, and have
tried several times but > encounter the same error.
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