Totally agree with Laurent.
Definitely recommend full backups vice partial.
When it counts the most, is when you wish you had...
>On Thursday, August 16, 2001, at 12:42 PM, Glenn Roe wrote:
>> For newbies following this thread, once you back up the first time it
>> takes a lot less time for future backups as it is just updating the
>> existing file. Backing up regularly is really not that intimidating,
>> even by serial. It sure is nice to have it if your Newton/eMate has a
>> problem. Believe me I care for 10 of them and backups are invaluable.
>> The point is you should DO IT!
>That would be completely true if incremental backups were flawless.
>Unfortunately, you need to know that many people that had done
>incremental backups with NCU/NBU realized that the backup was unusable
>when they needed it the most.
>So, most of the old timers will always perform full backups. It means
>that you have to remove the files in the NCU backup folder before
>launching NCU/NBU.
>Sorry to rain on your parade, but I thought you should know...
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