> > small printer driver on Japanese Website
> >
> > http://homepage.mac.com/ilikemac/Newton/MP130I/MP130I.html
> wow! just found this powernote page with a lotsa pics
> http://homepage.mac.com/ilikemac/SP/PowerNote/PowerNote1.html
> powernote is some kind of macOS-based device the size of a newton, but i
> cant read japanese, unfortunately.
> ive heard of this, but never seen this site until now
google brings up a thread from NTLK back in March April of 2000 about
this very page. Some concluded it was either a hoax or a demo product
from a MacWorld Tokyo that never saw the light of day.
me = { 'name' : 'Zachery Bir', 'email' : 'zbir_at_urbanape.com',
'voice' : '(804) 353-3742', 'url' : 'http://www.urbanape.com/' }
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