Re: [NTLK] Am I using my 4Mb memory card wrong?

From: General Mail (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 20:58:17 EDT


Thanks for the suggestions. I used one of the 4Mb cards to do a backup, and
the other one for general storage. I will try a number of approaches. I'll
try running for a while without any cards in (just to be sure it isn't the
Newt or something on the Newt that just happened to go bad at the same time
as using the card).

And I'll try running for a while with the card in the other slot.

And so on...I'll see how all this turns out over the weekend.

I was just hoping (long shot) that the specific symptoms of not booting up
immediately, and the bogus message about rebooting because of a complete
power drain, might be recognizable.



-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Kevin LaCombe
Sent: August 17, 2001 8:51 PM
Subject: [NTLK] Am I using my 4Mb memory card wrong?


Is it happening with the other cards or just one?

I'm assuming you are talking about the cards I sent you.

Maybe wipe (open PREF and insert card to format) the card and try it again?

It might be a bad package running. Try the other slot also.


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