On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, Paul Guyot wrote:
> >Is there any way to fix this ?
> Yeah, apply the patch. However, Victor seems to prefer to have this
> problem and have Listar being stable to fix this problem and have
> Listar being unstable.
Patch? What patch? Show me the patch and I'll look into it. Or I can
try turning off the humanize-quotedprintable option and see if hell breaks
-- Victor Rehorst - victor_at_newtontalk.net - chuma_at_chuma.org NewtonTalk list administrator - http://www.newtontalk.net Will help you with your list problems - as long as you're nice.-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe
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