>Woo Lee asked the same question.
I did???...oh yeah! I did! ;-D
>The Implant board is less position dependant than the SER-001.
Yeah, longer wires should work.
>The SER-001 MUST fit at a specific place but the implant, by the fact that
connections to it are made by discrete wires, could go anywhere it can fit.
Hmmm, how about outside the Newts' case??? LOL.
>Dimensions for the Implant suggest that it could be fitted on top of the
large Cirrus Logic chip with double stick foam tape and so, co-exist with
my SER-001.
Sounds like a 'Borg' assimilation technique!!!
But it sounds dangerous, any impact on the Newt's brain could be an early
Hmmm, during our next LaNUG meeting, Aug. 30th. BTW, two days after SNUG's,
I'll open my AMP2KU and see what's there.
This AMP2KU has 'two' implants, NO I didn't name it Pamela! ;-) But I'll
see where the 'second' implant is and tell you it's measureme...uhhh,
location, yeah that's it, location.
I can't right now cause I really need this AMP2KU.
I will contact Dr.Newton and see if the 'other Dave' can shed some
'back'light on this extremely important question.
HEY, anybody have more than one accel.2x00?
Wondering if the A2000U 'seats' differently than a A2100???
!ooW %-)
My Newt. will still be productive way after the last Palm/Handspring is
six-feet under.
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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