Re: [NTLK] graffiti etc.

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 00:08:33 EDT

on 23/08/01 17:57, Ed Kummel at wrote:

> I have an opinion on this...I firmly believe that a
> "Personal" device should be just that...PERSONAL!
> There should be no barrier to interaction with your
> personal device. (within bounds of technology and
> price) The device should learn and adapt to the user.
> The device should be infinatly changable, allowing
> extreme customization. In short, the device should be
> an extension of the my case, a spare brain.
> The human mind is a wondrous thing. The human is the
> only creature who can dream, and have goals. I call
> this ability "Blue Sky". To use the brain to store
> phone numbers or other mundane things is a travesty!
> Delegate the mundane and repetitious to something that
> is designed for that, your personal device!
> While nothing today can fit these strict requirements,
> the Newton comes the closest.
> Additionally, I think in words and sentences. Not
> letters. I write a word. Sure, it's letter by letter,
> but the goal is a word. having to stop and think about
> each letter individually chokes my thinking and causes
> me to loose the elusive thought flowing in my brain!
> Grafitti doesn't promote's a note
> taker, a jotter at best!

I wholeheartedly agree with Ed!


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

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