Re: [NTLK] Carpman has left the Arena.

From: John M. Powell (
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 11:32:33 EDT

> Well, I'm out. Newtontracker sounded like a good idea on paper,
> and I thought that the Newton would be as cool as it was 3 years
> ago, but the Newton truly is dead. The efforts of Paul's ATA
> driver, while excelent work, are not going to bring the Newton
> back. If the Newton is to survive, it MUST have a period of new
> software development.

Sorry to see you go. Personally, I feel the Newton is cooler
now than it was 3 years ago, but with it no longer supported
by it's own manufacturer and many of it's software developers...
realistically, the platform will never be 'alive'. There's
really nothing we can do to 'bring it back'.

However, even though we should never 'worship' the technology
(c'mon folks, it's a tool, not a god), it in my opinion is still
the best thing out there for my needs. I don't see anything coming
out any time soon that is going to do what I can do with it.

Paul's ATA driver will cerainly help in a big way though (go Paul!!).

Best wishes Carpman.


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