Re: [NTLK] Newbie NCU/NBU (on a PC) Question

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 10:35:42 EDT

on 29/08/01 10:26, Ben Smith at wrote:

> I have recently acquired a MP2000 (thanks David if you're still here) and
> am trying to connect it to my PC laptop via serial connection (sorry, no
> access to a Mac). I have downloaded both NCU and NBU and, in anticipation
> of problems, slowdown.exe too. I can now happily install packages using
> either program (no need to use slowdown.exe), but get a 'communications
> error -1' when trying to backup to the PC. This happens regardless of
> whether my 16mb flash card is inserted and also regardless of the settings
> on slowdown.exe, although on the slower settings I sometimes get to see a
> 'creating backup file' message for a few seconds. The FAQ talks about 'Get
> Info' on a Mac for this error, but has no info on what this error means on
> a PC. BTW: I'm running NT4 with 512Mb Ram on a P3.
> As the Newt came stacked with packages (some registered) I'm reluctant to
> blow the whole lot away and thought I might give SBM a go to see if there
> were any corrupted files. However, there is already an expired copy on the
> Newt and I'm reluctant to pay out to register something I've never used...
> Any ideas or tips please? Despite owning a few Newts I've never got round
> to making a PC cable from the Mac ones I got with them, so the MP2000 (and
> its included PC cable) are my first attempt at this... :(

So, the error mostly happens even before you see "Creating new backup file"?
What serial speed are you using? Are you sure that this matches what you
select on your Newton. Did you ask the previous owner if he was able to
backup reliably?


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
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